Native Plants
- Native plants have naturally evolved in North America.
- They grew here before humans introduced new plants that eventually took over.
- Because they have evolved here they grow the best in our soil and climate
- Native plants help to remove pollutants from storm water, and their roots help stabilized the soil.

So Why Plant With Native Plants?
Native Plants Save Energy
- Low maintenance
- Require little to no irrigation or fertilization
- They are resistant to many pests and diseases
Native Plants Stay Put
- Because native plants have evolved in this climate the other plants and organisms, help to keep them in check.
- Native species rarely become invasive
Native Plants make for a Interesting Garden
- The diversity for native plants is high; they range in size, shapes, and colors.
- Many native plants have been used throughout history.
Native Gardens Benefit Everyone
- They add an appealing look to an home or neighborhood
- Native gardens attract many species of birds and butterflies, along with many interesting insects.
Planting Your Native Garden
- Take a look at your site. Ask yourself: What do you have? What do you want to do with it? Are they the right native plants?
- Design your garden. Hire help to design your garden or do it yourself
- Prepare your site. Cover the grass with organic soil; then cover with dead leaves to create a rich soil.
- Planting. Pick plants that work well in your region. Plants often come as seeds or in plugs.
- Maintain your garden. Make sure to water your new plants and keep your garden weeded. Other then these few steps your garden will be low maintenance!