Once your project is complete, call, text, or email the Lake Coordinator at (715) 931-7434 or [email protected] to schedule a time to verify your plantings.
At this meeting time, have original receipts ready to turn in. Please make copies of the receipts if you wish to keep them for your records.
The Rice Lake- Lake District will reimburse 50% of the cost of your planning, planting materials (plants, mulch, soil) and labor to install (if applicable) not exceeding $1000.00. For example, if the total cost of your project is $800, the Lake District will reimburse you $400. If the total cost of your project is $2500, the Lake District will reimburse you $1000.
If doing any sort of planting, some maintenance will be required at first. Once the plants are established, very little to no maintenance will need to be done.
You can now enjoy your new project and know that you are helping keep Rice Lake healthy and beautiful!
Thank you!